Making the Most of Your Busy Season

By Beacon Funding| Oct 18, 2017| 3288 Views
Making the Most of Your Busy Season

Fall is officially here and winter isn’t far behind. This last quarter of the year is often the busiest for small businesses across the country. Being able to take full advantage of the rush is what helps businesses bring profits up for the year. So, whether it’s the colder weather or the upcoming holidays that brings about your busy season, here are five ways to make the absolute most of it.

Get Organized 

The last thing you need during these busy months is for lack of organization to slow you down. Before snow starts to fall and the holiday shoppers start coming, take some time to get everything in order. Make sure all your records are organized and correct, and do a detailed inventory.

It’s also important to make sure you have a system in place for staying organized when the rush hits. There are plenty of scheduling programs, recording keeping apps, and communication tools out there that can make things simper when life gets hectic. Look around and try to find a method that works for your business.

Hire Seasonal Help

While for the majority of the year you may have the perfect number of employees, during your busy months, you may need some additional help. Start looking now for seasonal help so that you’ll have a week or two to get them up to speed.

If your business requires employees with specific skills to complete the jobs, you may still want to consider bringing on a temporary employee. They can help handle scheduling, answering the phones, and any other general work that could start to slip through the cracks when you need all hands on deck to take care of the influx of customers.

Make the Most of Your Busy Season

Prep for Time Off

You might be willing to work overtime to keep up, but chances are your employees want to spend some time with family during the holidays. This doesn’t mean you have to turn down jobs or do it all yourself; you’ll just need to plan ahead. Ask that all employees request time off well in advance, so that you have time to plan jobs around their schedules and can give customers accurate time frames for their orders.

Bring in More Customers

Once you’ve prepared your business for more customers, it’s time to make sure they actually show up. Generate some buzz around your business by announcing holiday sales and making sure your potential customers know about them. Get the word out with signs, ads, and an email or two.

Don’t forget about Black Friday and Cyber Money! Even if your business isn’t offering a product that will have people lining up at the crack of dawn, customers will still expect a deal on those days.

Add More Equipment 

Don’t let a lack of equipment keep you from making the most of these months! Whether it’s more machines to lower turnaround times or additional vehicles to handle more calls, equipment financing can help you get what you need without eating up all you pre-busy season savings. Get started now and you’ll have new equipment in time for your busy season and to take advantage of 2017 tax savings.

Good luck this season and remember to have some fun along the way!

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Since 1990, small businesses nationwide have been able to grow with fast affordable equipment financing from Beacon Funding.
