The Best Way to Purchase an Embroidery Machine in 2023

Getting the industry's latest equipment model doesn't have to put a dent in your savings. See how you can acquire a new machine AND conserve your cash...

By Beacon Funding| Dec 21, 2022| 1311 Views

You know buying an embroidery machine is expensive. Even at the right price, it takes a lot of cash to buy the industry's latest equipment. An expensive purchase cost could mean leaving a big hole in your balance sheet.

You could wait to save enough cash but that takes time. Fortunately, you don't have to use a large portion of your savings to get equipment. Financing is an affordable solution to get your machine without using up your cash.

In this article, get a brief summary of the differences between financing and paying cash for the industry's latest embroidery machine. Plus, you can see for yourself how affordable your machine's purchase could be using a FREE financing estimate calculator. That way you can determine which choice is best for you.

In this article…

  1. What is Embroidery Equipment Financing
  2. How Embroidery Equipment Financing Helps Your Business
  3. Estimate Your Embroidery Machine's Low Monthly Financing Payment
  4. Three Steps for Buying an Embroidery Machine with Equipment Financing

What is Embroidery Equipment Financing

Embroidery equipment financing is a cost-effective and convenient purchase alternative to using your cash. Instead of spending a large portion of savings at once, financing spreads out your expensive equipment purchase into low monthly payments. This benefits your business in many ways a cash purchase doesn't allow.

How Financing Helps Your Business Grow

Having the latest technology means positioning your company for success. When you have your hands on the industry's latest equipment, your business receives an immediate boost in productivity and efficiency. Without it, there's a cost associated with not making a purchase, and those come in many different shapes and sizes – from lost contracts to outsourcing businesses you could otherwise complete yourself.

Thanks to financing you don't have to spend a lot of upfront cash to get the latest machine model. You can get both the newest embroidery machine to grow quickly and keep enough cash for when you need it.

Financing allows you to:

  1. Expand your production output quickly. Another embroidery machine lets you create more products faster.
  2. Maintain a steady cash flow. Your equipment can pay for itself.
  3. Say yes to opportunities. Growing your business is easier with enough cash on hand.

When you take advantage of equipment financing, you have cash when you need it.

With cash (and the latest embroidery machine in your business) you are...

  1. Equipped for emergencies. You never know when your shop will experience a business emergency and need cash to cover it.
  2. Prepared for payroll. You can't pay staff using a credit card -- make sure you have enough cash to keep your doors open.

Estimate Your Embroidery Machine's Low Monthly Financing Payment

Now that you understand how financing your equipment can benefit your business, see how affordable it can be. With Beacon Funding’s equipment financing calculator, you can estimate a monthly payment anywhere.

Plus, our free mobile app comes with three calculators fully equipped to:

  • Estimate your low monthly payment.
  • Understand what tax write offs you can take advantage of.
  • Calculate the revenue you need to earn to breakeven on your monthly payment.

3 Steps for Buying an Embroidery Machine with Equipment Financing

Step 1: Get pre-approved before you start shopping.

The key to affordability is staying within your budget. Getting pre-approved for embroidery equipment financing requires no cost or commitment. It will also help you assess the monthly payment you can comfortably afford.

Step 2: Consider shopping for both new and used embroidery machines.

The great thing about working with Beacon Funding is the equipment’s age isn’t an obstacle to acquiring equipment. Even better -- if you find equipment online, from a friend, or a dealership, there's a good chance Beacon Funding will finance it. That flexibility gives you more choices to get you the equipment you want.

Step 3: Once you know the equipment make and model you need, contact Beacon Funding.

We can help you get the embroidery machine of your dreams. Schedule a call with your financing consultant today – they’ll help you quickly get your digital application in order.

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Since 1990, small businesses nationwide have been able to grow with fast affordable equipment financing from Beacon Funding.
