Remember to Move Over and Slow Down - It's the Law

By Beacon Funding| Oct 18, 2019| 4776 Views
Remember to Move Over and Slow Down - It's the Law

In the United States, one tow operator is killed in the line of duty every six days. One of our very own customers, a towing operator, was recently hit by a passing vehicle while on the job. He was fortunate enough to not suffer severe injuries, but this is not the case for many others. Surprisingly, 71% of the public is unaware of the Move Over law and traffic-related incidents continue to be the number one cause of severe injuries and death among on-duty law enforcement officers, first responders, and others. This year, National Move Over Day falls on October 19th - help save lives by spreading awareness of the Move Over law.

What is the Move Over law?

Laws vary from state to state, but in general, Move Over laws require drivers to give a one lane buffer to stopped or parked emergency vehicles using any visual signal. If the driver is unable to safely change lanes, they must slow down to a reasonable speed.

National #MoveOver day

How do I know if my state has a “Move Over” law?

Currently, all States have Move Over laws, though each states’ laws may vary. Very few drivers know that these laws exist. Visit AAA to find your state’s law so you can stay safe and keep first responders safe.

What is the penalty for violating the “Move Over” law?

Fines for violations of the “Move Over” law vary from state to state, but can be as high as $500. In some states, violation of the law is punishable by jail time. These regulations are put in place to keep first responders safe at all times.

Help Save Lives

You can make a difference by spreading awareness and following these simple tips while on the road.

  1. Safely change lanes or slow down when near parked emergency vehicles
  2. Obey all speed limits and signs
  3. Be attentive and drive responsibly
  4. Keep your eyes on the road

If you are a tow operator check out these articles for other tips:

Gearing Up for Winter: Tips for Towing During the Winter Months

Tow Truck Driver Safety

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