Gearing Up for Winter: Tips for Towing During the Winter Months

By Beacon Funding| Nov 17, 2016| 2870 Views
Gearing Up for Winter: Tips for Towing During the Winter Months

A certain kind of magic surrounds the weeks that separate fall and winter. This magic comes in the form of crunching leaves underfoot and a slight chill in the air. A sense of complacency is induced, and it becomes hard to imagine a harsh winter lurking around the corner. Eventually the magic brakes, snow and ice begin to cover the ground, and the phone starts ringing.
From spin-outs to vehicles deserted in snow storms, you’re suddenly up to your knees in snow and work. Because of fall’s magic complacency you aren’t as prepared as you would like. Year after year this cycle repeats and winter rears its ugly head before you’re ready. It’s time to break the spell and get ready now.

Start preparing for the fast-approaching winter towing by following these expert tips:

Suit Up

When you are focusing on equipment and incoming jobs, it’s easy to forget the importance of proper winter clothing. Without insulating jackets and heavy-duty boots, towing becomes even more dangerous.

The gear you need depends on location. For colder climates with harsh temperatures and heavy snows, a thick coat or parka is a necessity. Working long hours in the snow is a recipe for hypothermia, but insulating clothes help. It is also important to get waterproof boots with top-notch traction. They’re a life-saver on ice.

More temperate climates don’t require as heavy of clothing. Good quality rain jackets to keep you dry and break the wind should be enough. Galoshes and even waterproof bibs come in handy during intense rains or flooding.

While thickness and water resistance vary based on location, one thing remains the same; gear needs to be bright and highly visible. ANSI Class III garments are best. They may be a bit pricey, but in poor weather conditions with low visibility they keep you safe.

Ready the Trucks

Whether you are battling below zero temps or mountains of snow, your truck needs to be ready to fight back against the elements. There are several things you can do to get ready. Here are just a few:

  • Check your tires. Warn and bald tires will not have the traction you need to stay steady on icy roadways. Protect yourself from skids and accidents. Don’t forget to check your spare tires, too. You’ll want them to be ready for action at a moment’s notice. After all, you don’t want to be the one in need of towing.
  • Give your trucks a thorough inspection. Check the engine, coolants, battery, and brakes. If something needs fixing you want to know about it ASAP. Dealing with repairs in the winter cuts into time that could be spent working.
  • Continually monitor the performance of your trucks. At any sign of disrepair, take a look. When it comes to winter towing, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Two truck towes a vehicle in the snow.

Get the Proper Equipment

Winter is an incredibly busy time for the towing industry. Drivers are usually unprepared for winter driving and are in constant need of towing. One of the best steps you can take to prepare for winter is to upgrade equipment or grow your fleet. By doing this, you ensure you have the ability to take as many calls as possible and will always have a truck ready. You never want to have to turn down calls because you don’t have enough trucks.

This may sound like a lofty idea, but it isn’t as out of reach as you think. Financing equipment allows you to prep for winter while on a tight budget. Since a lot of profit comes in when snow hits the ground, financing lets you get the equipment you need and pay for it as it generates profit.

The benefits of financing don’t stop there. Getting equipment through financing offers distinct advantages. The two most enticing benefits may be the potential tax savings and the ability to maintain cash reserves.

The tax savings available through financing equipment save customers thousands and thousands of dollars. This is possible thanks to the Section 179 tax deduction. Through Section 179, you are able to deduct all or part of the price of financed equipment. This results in hefty savings that would not be possible if bought with cash.

Maintaining cash reserves is an integral part of running a successful business. It offers stability in times of emergency and allows for fluctuation in cash flow. By purchasing a truck with cash, you eat up your reserves leaving yourself vulnerable. If the equipment doesn’t start generating immense profit immediately, you have no backup cash. With financing, you are often able to put no money down or defer payment. This allows your equipment to start bringing in profit before you start paying for it. In essence, the truck pays for itself.

To get started with financing, contact a qualified equipment lender today. You’ll get your equipment in time for the first snow and be ready to hit the icy ground running.

In the end, it’s up to you to break fall’s spell and get ready for a profitable winter. Let the dropping temperatures and the growing winds serve as your reminder to contact a qualified equipment leasing company and get your fleet ready to take on anything.

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