Beacon Funding and Transit Pros Join Forces at the American Towman Exposition

Explore exclusive opportunities to afford your next tow truck and win big in Baltimore!

By Stephanie Richards, CLFP| Oct 7, 2024| 691 Views

Join Beacon Funding & Transit Pros at the American Towman Exposition

If you’re a tow truck operator or work in the towing industry, you’re invited to join us at the upcoming Baltimore Tow Show (American Towman Exposition). This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Transit Tow Advantage Program. Want to discover sub-hauling jobs available and learn how to afford your next tow truck? We'd love to have you come by and ask us your questions at the show.

Every year at trade shows, we like to engage with our customers and give something back. This year is no different. We will host giveaways at both the Transit Pros and Beacon Funding booths.

Transit Tow Advantage Program

Transit Pros & Beacon Funding have joined forces to help towers afford more trucks and get sub-hauling jobs to put them to work. The Transit Tow Advantage is a program that both Transit Pros and Beacon Funding came together on to offer competitive truck and equipment financing for vendors that are looking to add or upgrade their fleet. If this is something that you could benefit from, talk to Stephanie.

Booth #1307: Beacon Funding

Come Meet Stephanie Richards!

She’s a Business Development Consultant at Beacon Funding and the manager of the Transit Tow Advantage Program. Stephanie has extensive knowledge of the towing and recovery industry, having started in towing in 2006 and financed trucks and equipment for the past 13 years. She specializes in helping towers finance new or used trucks from dealers or private sellers.

With Beacon Funding, towers can expand and upgrade their fleet more rapidly through financing options that break down the cost of a high-priced truck into manageable monthly payments. Beacon Funding can assist clients with both good and challenged credit. Moreover, Beacon Funding works with businesses at every stage, whether they are just starting out or have been established for many years. Stephanie can tailor the financing to meet your specific needs.

If you can't attend the show or have questions beforehand, you can always contact Stephanie at 847-627-1614. She is more than happy to assist you.

Slow Down Move Over Sign Giveaway

At the Beacon booth, we will offer a popular wall art flag featuring the "Slow Down Move Over" message, which was a big hit in Florida. For the Baltimore show, we are bringing it back by popular demand. You can enter the raffle early, by signing up online here.


Booth #3307: Transit Pros

Come Meet Alex Roman!

She’s the Director of Vendor Relations at Transit Pros, America’s largest sub-haul coordinator. Alex is actively looking to add providers to their network. If you offer medium- and heavy-duty towing, transportation, tire replacement, or emergency roadside services, consider joining Transit Pros.


Visit booth #3307 to discuss opportunities in medium- or heavy-duty towing or explore options for your existing trucks. Alex and her team can inform you about areas of need and the types of services they are seeking. Depending on availability and mutual suitability, you could sign up for either bid work or contract work. They’re here to help you grow your business!

Hi-Vis Safety Vest Giveaway

At the Transit Pros booth, we will give away a high-visibility safety light-up vest, designed to keep the winner or one of their drivers safe on the roadside. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to driver safety.

We hope you will visit our booths for a chance to win these fantastic prizes. There is no commitment required, and we simply want you to go home with a prize.

 Stephanie Richards, CLFP
Stephanie Richards, CLFP

P: 847.627.1614 |  ESchedule A Meeting with Me

Stephanie is a Certified Lease and Finance Professional (CLFP) that started with Beacon as a Business Development Consultant in 2012.


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