Deciding whether equipment financing make sense for your business? Don’t get left in the dark. Learn about the advantages of equipment financing from leading experts with Beacon Funding’s video library.
In case you missed these informative videos in 2021, now you can watch them all in one sitting! Each video covers a frequently asked question business owners ask about equipment financing… so don’t miss out!
Table of Contents
- Is Leasing More Expensive Than Financing? [Get The Facts]
- How Do I Get The "Best Equipment Financing Deal" For My Business?
- How Can I Upgrade My Equipment with Flexible Financing?
- How Do I Ensure I Get An Equipment Payment That Fits My Budget?
- Can My Start-up Get Approved for Equipment Financing?
- How Do I Prevent Stretching My Business Before My Equipment Brings A Solid ROI?
- Why Is Equipment Financing Crucial for My Established Business?
- Evaluating Purchases During Post Pandemic – Septic Pumper Trucks
- Evaluating Purchases During Post Pandemic - Decorated Apparel
- How to Keep My Equipment with Equipment Leasing
Many customers are concerned that an equipment lease is more costly than traditional financing. If that myth was true, then why does every Fortune 500 company lease? When you compare the overall costs between leasing and financing, the two products are nearly the same. However, leasing actually offers the lowest monthly payment options.
Watch the video to learn how leasing and financing plans are structured, the financial advantages to your business, and how cost is actually determined."
No two businesses are alike, so why should your financing plan be? Beacon Funding works with businesses to design custom financing programs around their goals. Whether you have a seasonal business, inconsistent revenue, or need to build your own loan, getting the right equipment financing deal for your current situation is easy.
Watch this video to learn how an equipment financing expert can help you build a flexible financing plan to match your business needs.
As your business grows, how do you ensure your equipment can keep up with increased demands? With equipment financing it’s possible to afford equipment you need now while also planning for tomorrow.
At any time get bigger, better equipment for your growing business with the Equipment Upgrade Program! It’s the perfect way to upgrade your current equipment without paying two monthly payments!
Equipment financing isn’t affordable for you? Think again! All it takes is a phone call with an equipment expert to find an affordable monthly payment that matches to your business revenue.
Watch the video to see which financing options you can use to match your budget.
Every dollar matters during the initial years of a start-up. When you need equipment financing, finding a lender who’s willing to go to bat for you is the first step.
Don’t let your worries hold you back! It’s possible to find a financing partner who considers unique qualifying criteria to help approve more start-ups. Watch the video to learn how Beacon Funding approves start-ups and sets them up for long-term success.
Want to feel confident about adding new equipment before you even make a payment? A deferred payment (buy now, pay later) is a smart plan for business owners who want to keep initial costs low as possible.
Watch the video to see how equipment financing can manage your monthly payment and produce a positive revenue stream when you need it the most.
Wouldn’t you like to say yes to more customers calls? Give a productivity boost to your business to take it to the next level.
Check out the details on why you should consider equipment financing:
Innovation is key when facing challenges in volatile markets. How do you get a pump truck to take advantage of rising demands in the septic business? We’ll show you how in this video.
Deciding to add new embroidery and screen printing machinery isn’t easy, but the right budgeting tools can help you visualize what you can afford.
Many business owners are under the impression you will never take ownership of equipment when you lease it. That’s not true. Watch the video to learn how lease-to-own programs are structured to keep costs low, so you can easily take ownership when the equipment lease ends.
Plus, learn the truth about how lease buyout options work so you find which one is ideal for you!