Overcoming Equipment Financing Obstacles with Step Payments

By Beacon Funding| Jun 20, 2024| 2053 Views
Overcoming Equipment Financing Obstacles with Step Payments

Those of you who have not had the pleasure of getting to know Bob Dubow, he started by working as a CPA auditing leasing companies before diving into leasing himself. He owned and operated his own leasing business and then joined Beacon Funding.

Flexible Financing for Trucks & Equipment

Q: How can Beacon Funding help business owners overcome obstacles with flexible financing options?

A: One of the key flexible options is called step payments. This program allows you to start your journey toward long-term growth and a positive monthly cash flow every month. It's a nice flexible option providing those low monthly payments while not have to worry about generating additional revenue and profits right away. Giving the business more time to expand!

A great example is in the towing industry. Towing businesses usually start out doing light and medium duty towing and with a goal of always wanting to get into heavy duty towing. It's just much more profitable on a per incident basis. (You might have seen the big heavy-duty tow trucks out on the interstate doing recovery work when there's big truck.) It is very expensive to get into that side of the business because the equipment is very expensive.

This is the way I’ve helped a lot of businesses make that conversion from just being their light- medium-duty business to expanding into heavy-duty towing. Step payments allow us to set up the monthly payment so that they're based upon their current cash flow as a light medium doing towing business.

This gives them 12 months to enter that market and let the cash flow start flowing in from the heavy-duty side. By the 13th month we step up the payments to a monthly payment, that again is still affordable, now because they're making a lot more money and a lot more profits in the heavy-duty towing.

With step payments business owners are able to take baby steps into new ventures rather than taking the risk on all at once. To get the equipment you need to optimize your business, you can apply for step payments here.


Give your business time to ramp up, train employees, save cash, and network. Your first 3 to 6 payments can be a higher or lower amount than the remaining stream of payments, depending on your need.


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Bob Dubow shares all his great knowledge and experience with business owners looking to acquire pieces of commercial equipment. We hope businesses owners who are watching this video can take that knowledge and hopefully use it when they're making decisions when it comes to acquiring that next piece of commercial equipment.

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