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We have received your application. One of our expert consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

Fast and Easy Capital to Quickly Scale Your Business

Applying is easy! Fill out the form to get started.

  1. Apply online with Beacon Funding
  2. Provide 3 months of bank statements
  3. Have a 5 minute discovery call to see if you qualify
  4. Sign your docs & claim your funds in as little as 24 hours
Watch the case study the benefits of a working capital loan!
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If your business meets the minimum requirements, you could qualify for up to 8% of your annual business revenue. The application process is easy so you can get approved and receive funds within the same day as getting approved.


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Fast. Easy.

As a small business owner, you don’t have time to wait – especially when you have a small window of opportunity to supercharge your business. We know the challenges that business owners can be be faced with and Beacon Funding is here to help you get the cash you need, fast.

It's all up to you how you use your cash.

"Quick turn around and was able to help in a unique situation.”
Amber Lamb

Wisconsin Bank & Trust

“Miles has always handled our accounts in a professional manner. He stays ahead of the curve to make sure everything processes properly. I have been in business for 35 years and I am impressed with Miles.”
Janie Parker

Mostellers Wrecker Incorporated

“Amanda was very helpful from the beginning. Very friendly and knowledgeable about what we needed to do and offered more than one option to help us.”
Jody Swindle

Joseph Swindle Inc

“Sarah made sure our funds were funded immediately. This impressed me.”
Janie Parker

Mostellers Wrecker Incorporated

Getting a working capital loan all starts with a conversation about your goals. Call us today at 847.897.2499 or schedule a callback at a time that's best for you! Learn:

  • How to qualify
  • Repayment options
  • Steps for applying